Astoundingly, the ICANN released the number of registrants which apply for the new gTLD’s on the 14th of February 2012. The aforementioned US organization was eager to unravel the number of registrants, this step being quite fuzzy as the organization said bluntly the 19th of January that it will keep secret the ”number of applications received[1] until May. It seems that the institution located in California gave way and displays precociously the symbolic number of registrants which is as high as 100. If this surreptitious change sounds incongruous, it deserves attention and shows up the success of this new window of opportunity for companies. Another explanation may be that there is a discrepancy between the number of registrants and the number of applications already in process, which could explain such a turnaround. We cannot but highlight that the wishful can still file for an application until the 12th of April, and we can expect that the number will increase dramatically as this press release will pull the candidates.

[1], Application Window for New Top-Level Domain Names Successfully Passes One-Week Mark, January 19, 2012.