dreyfus-le-cabinetOutstanding client service has always been a core value at Dreyfus. We have followed closely technological developments and successfully adapted to offer ever more innovative services over the years.


The Dreyfus IPweb platform allows you to better manage your trademarks and domain names portfolios, to instruct and monitor the progress of your files on a daily basis. Dreyfus also offers cutting edge trademark and domain name monitoring services.


Did you know? New gTLDs are replacing the conventional .com and, .fr gTLDs. Register the names of your corporate executives with the .ceo gTLD before it is too late! You may also want to register domain names with gTLDs that have a strong and relevant marketing impact. A .club extension may thus help foster customer loyalty and integrate them around your trademark.


Current news: Over a third of all new gTLDs will be trademarks (e.g. .chanel). ICANN, the Internet regulatory authority, recently authorised these trademarks to sign the registry agreement. They will be exempt from the Sunrise period reserved specifically to trademarks. As a second round for applications for new gTLDs is planned, it is recommended to consider opportunities to hold a new TLD and to think about its positioning with regards to existing TLDs.


In this digital world, trademark infringements are increasing and ever shifting. To enable you to manage your digital presence, Dreyfus now offers trademark monitoring on various social networks and on mobile app stores.


Registering a trademark with the Trademark Clearinghouse (TMCH) enables you to be notified of any cybersquatting of your domain names and grants you a preferential right in the Sunrise period for the registration of your trademark with the new gTLDs. Dreyfus is accredited by TMCH and can assist you with the registration and monitoring of your trademarks within the new gTLDs.


Did you know? Over 1000 new gTLDs will soon be available which will revolutionise the Internet. It is thus essential to establish an appropriate defence strategy to ensure that you always remain visible online.


Current news: the NTIA, a U.S government agency which manages part of the Internet has announced its intention to transfer its powers to a new multi-stakeholders global governance scheme, which will be more open and transparent.


The foundations of the digital revolution have been in place for more than 20 years and the technological advances are well known. But they will have an economic and social impact for many years to come and will revolutionise our society In order to have a better understanding of tomorrow’s world and to better anticipate your needs, Dreyfus regularly attends ICANN meetings. Find news on all these current events on our blog or on Facebook or Twitter.


With a dynamic team of experienced and specialised lawyers, Dreyfus is known as one of the best law firms worldwide in the field of Intellectual Property. The firm was recently honoured by the World Trademark Review and The Legal 500 and it was designated as “Boutique IP Law Firm of the Year” by Legal Awards 2013.


Did you know? The UDRP procedure allows you to easily recover a domain name reproducing or imitating your trademark. Dreyfus specialises in these procedures and has successfully won several hundreds for its clients thanks to its high expertise in the matter.


The entire Dreyfus team and I would like to thank you for your continued interest in our services and for the trust that you place in us everyday for the protection and promotion of your innovations.


In the forthcoming years, Dreyfus will endeavour to assist you in all your projects with the same level of expertise, responsiveness and passion.


Nathalie Dreyfus