
Deciphering Brand Confusion: A Deep Dive into Linguistic Analysis in the EU Trademark Law

Introduction: The intersection of language and law in EU Trademark Disputes


In a landmark decision on July 26, 2023, the European Union Court underscored the critical role of linguistic analysis in adjudicating cases of brand confusion. This case, involving the nuanced understanding of language in trademark law, sets a precedent in legal circles and offers a comprehensive look at the intricate nature of trademark disputes within the EU’s dynamic linguistic landscape.


Background: The Case of Frutania vs. Frutaria


In 2013, Markus Schneider filed a trademark application for EU figurative trademark “Frutania,” covering various products and services. Frutaria Innovation, SL, holder of the EU figurative mark “Frutaria” registered in 2010, filed an opposition.


In July 2023, the European Union Court acknowledged a risk of confusion between the “Frutania” trademark application and the earlier “Frutaria” mark. The Court indeed emphasized that, in assessing confusion between two EU trademarks, linguistic knowledge must be considered.


Linguistic Considerations: Assessing the Risk of Brand Confusion


A crucial argument in this case involved the definition of the concerned public. The group of consumers considered relevant in assessing the risk of confusion can be challenged, namely the Bulgarian, Croatian, Slovak, Czech, Polish, Slovenian, Hungarian, Estonian, and Finnish populations, for whom the use of the term “frutaria” was arbitrary and therefore distinctive.


The inclusion of the Lusophone and Hispanophone public in this assessment is also questionable. These populations perceived in the earlier “frutaria” mark an evocation of the Spanish term “frutería” (grocery, fruit store). Therefore, the overall and particularly conceptual differences between the “Frutaria” and “Frutania” signs are significant enough to exclude any risk of confusion.


Nevertheless, in its decision, the appeal board indicated that it could not be assumed that consumers in Slavic-speaking countries as well as in Hungary, Estonia, and Finland had sufficient knowledge of Spanish to understand that the term “frutaria” was close to “frutería,” which designated a fruit store.


Legal Precedents and Linguistic Proficiency


Jurisprudence confirms this viewpoint, asserting that mastery of a foreign language cannot be generally presumed (cf. particularly the decision of the European Union Tribunal of September 13, 2010, in the case Inditex/OHIM v. Marín Díaz de Cerio (OFTEN), Case T-292/08 [paragraph 83]).


Although it is generally accepted that most consumers know basic English terms, it seems that this is not the case for the Spanish language. Consequently, the verbal element “frutaria” is distinctive and predominant compared to the simple figurative elements, which are therefore secondary.


In this particular case, the tribunal noted that the Appeal Board had correctly assessed the intrinsic distinctiveness of the earlier mark, taking into account the importance that the word element of the earlier mark could have for the part of the relevant public composed of Bulgarians, Croatians, Slovaks, Czechs, Poles, Slovenians, Hungarians, Estonians, and Finns. Therefore, the tribunal concluded that the Appeal Board had made no error in judgment by focusing its examination of the risk of confusion on this specific part of the relevant public.



Implications: A Refined Approach to EU Trademark Law


The Tribunal, referring to relevant jurisprudence, highlighted that when an earlier mark on which opposition is based is a European Union mark, it is not necessary for the risk of confusion to exist in all Member States and all linguistic areas of the European Union. The unitary nature of the European Union trademark allows it to be invoked against any subsequent trademark application that could potentially infringe on the protection of the first mark, even if the confusion is limited to a specific part of the European Union.


In other words, just because the risk of confusion could be ruled out for Lusophone and Hispanophone countries, based on conceptual differences, does not mean it did not exist for other countries of the European Union.


Conclusion on Linguistic Factors in EU trademarks


The EU Court’s decision in July 2023 marks a pivotal moment in trademark law, weaving linguistic intricacies into the fabric of legal reasoning. As businesses continue to operate in an increasingly globalized market, the significance of linguistic considerations in legal strategies becomes ever more pronounced. This case not only sheds light on the complexities of trademark disputes but also establishes a precedent for incorporating linguistic analysis into legal practice within the European Union and beyond.

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The Birkenstock pattern trademark: Balancing tradition and distinctiveness in intellectual property

The history of Birkenstock dates back to 1774 when Johann Adam Birkenstock opened his first shoemaker’s shop in Frankfurt. In 1897, the Birkenstock company was founded with the aim of creating comfortable shoes for workers and people with foot problems. The brand’s popularity grew in Germany and expanded internationally in the 1960s. Today, Birkenstock is synonymous with comfort and foot wellness. The Birkenstock sandal has become an icon of fashion and comfort, thanks to its cork and latex footbed that is moulded to the contours of the foot.


The brand’s outer sole pattern, which features a wave-like design, has become iconic and has been the subject of several legal decisions in German and European courts. Birkenstock has sought to protect this pattern as a trademark.




In 2016, Birkenstock obtained position trademark protection in Germany for a distinctive pattern on the sole of its shoes (registration number 3020150531693).

A position trademark is a type of trademark that is characterised by its specific position on a product or its packaging, rather than by traditional word or figurative elements.

A third party applied to the German Patent and Trademark Office to cancel the trademark, claiming that it lacked distinctiveness and clarity for goods without soles.

Distinctiveness refers to a trademark’s ability to distinguish itself from similar goods or services on the market.

The German Patent and Trademark Office declared Birkenstock’s trademark invalid for lack of distinctiveness.

Birkenstock appealed against this decision to the German Patent and Trademark Court (Case No. 28 W (pat) 24/18).

The German Patent and Trademark Court dismissed Birkenstock’s appeal on the basis of existing case law on design trademarks. The court confirmed that the mark lacks distinctiveness for goods with soles or related to soles as well as for goods not related to soles.

– A trademark must be sufficiently unique to enable consumers to associate it with a particular commercial source. It is this distinctiveness that gives a trademark its value and legal protection.

Alongside these proceedings in Germany, a similar decision was made at the European Union level. The General Court of the European Union confirmed the cancellation of Birkenstock’s trademark for the entire European Union (Case T-365/20).


Ultimately, Birkenstock’s position trademark was declared non-distinctive for the relevant goods in both Germany and the European Union.

However, if Birkenstock’s orthopaedic shoe does not gain consensus, it remains a fashion icon eligible for copyright protection. The company has already obtained protection for its ‘Madrid’ model. Birkenstock still has options to safeguard its intellectual property assets.

Why was Birkenstock’s position trademark rejected?

The issue of the distinctiveness of this trademark was examined by the German Patent and Trademark Court, which confirmed the lack of distinctiveness.

In assessing distinctiveness, the court reiterated the consistent case law on trademarks: the criteria for assessing distinctiveness are the same for all types of trademarks.

However, the German Office emphasises that signs consisting solely of the shape or three-dimensional representation of goods are not necessarily seen by the public in the same way as traditional verbal or figurative trademarks, which are independent of the appearance of the marked goods.

If goods or their packaging lack figurative or verbal elements, the average consumer will not usually infer commercial origin from their shape. Therefore, a trademark only has inherent distinctiveness if it significantly departs from the standards or practices of the relevant sector and fulfils its essential function of identifying commercial origin.

When evaluating whether a product design is considered common by the public, it is important to focus primarily on the relevant sector. Designs from adjacent sectors may also be considered if, under specific circumstances, the relevant public may shift its perception to the relevant sector.

The Court applied these criteria to Birkenstock’s trademark.

– The judges found that soles often have a profile for better grip, whether for work, leisure or sport. The Court referred to various sole designs available prior to the filing date. Based on these earlier designs, the Court held that the contested trademark was merely a variant of soles with criss-crossing and wavy lines.

– Birkenstock argued that its design gave the impression of bones. The Court rejected this argument because the relevant public would not see the pattern as resembling bones.

– Therefore, the trademark was found to be devoid of any distinctive character in respect of goods which have or are (part of) a sole.


The example of Birkenstock highlights the challenge of securing trademark protection for the appearance of goods in Europe. To be considered distinctive, patterns that constitute a trademark must be unique, unusual, or have gained recognition and a well-known character through extensive use. As pattern trademarks gain popularity and companies seek to safeguard them, courts may need to clarify the criteria for distinctiveness of these types of trademarks. The decision in the Birkenstock case issued by the CJEU may impact the assessment of other trademarks.

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