
What characterizes a trademark specialist?

Trademark law covers a set of specific rules, with subtleties, that a specialist can help you to best understand your trademark issues.



The Industrial Property Attorney, a regulated profession, provides various services, the main ones of which are presented below:

Firstly, they can help you in registering your trademark by advising you on the registration of a word trademark (a name) or a stylized logo instead, which can help you to stand out from your competitors. They will analyzes your activity and the signs you use to indicate which trademark to register. Beforehand, he conducts a prior art search to make sure that the sign is available, i.e. that there is no prior trademark that could hinder your projects.



Secondly, when your trademark is already filed and registered, the Industrial Property Attorney can monitor future filings to detect those that infringe your rights, in which case he will attempt to resolve the situation by sending a detailed letter of formal notice. If necessary, an opposition to the litigious filing may be filed so that the Trademark Office (such as the INPI in France or the EUIPO in the European Union) rejects the trademark application.



Thirdly, the Industrial Property Attorney can also help you defend your brand on the Internet. Infringements are not uncommon and some companies, such as those specializing in fashion, are particularly affected during certain “peak” periods for counterfeiting: Black Friday, sales, Christmas, etc.



Finally, the Industrial Property Attorney negotiates your contracts for you: trademark transfer or license, coexistence agreement, memorandum of understanding following a conflict, etc. A trademark license is a good way to increase the value of your business by earning royalties.






These are the most common tasks entrusted to the Industrial Property Attorney, as far as trademarks are concerned. However, their activity is much broader!



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Can an Intellectual Property Lawyer Help Me with Copyright Infringement in the EU ?

If you are a victim of copyright infringement in the European Union (EU), hiring an intellectual property specialist can be an invaluable move. Intellectual property law is a complex and ever-changing field, and having the support of a skilled professional to help you navigate the complexities of the EU legal system is essential. Even if you have a basic understanding of copyright law, counsel can provide the expertise you need to protect your rights and interests.



Copyright infringement occurs when someone uses a protected creation (such as a writing or photograph) without the permission of the copyright owner. Copyright protection in the EU is provided by the European Copyright Directive. This directive establishes a minimum level of copyright protection that must be established in all member states.


Depending on the severity of the infringement, penalties can include heavy fines and even jail time. In addition, the copyright owner may be entitled to damages. If you believe that your copyright has been infringed, it is important to consult a specialist who can help you assess the situation and determine the best course of action.


They can also provide you with advice on how to best enforce your copyright. This may involve taking legal action against the infringer or seeking amicable solutions, usually recommended as a first step, by sending a letter of formal notice to open discussions and stop the infringement.


The specialist can also help you navigate the complexities of the EU legal system. The specialist can also provide you with advice on how to prevent copyright infringement in the future. This can be done by filing an Enveloppe Soleau in France, for example, which will help prove the integrity of your creation.



If you are a victim of copyright infringement in the European Union, it is imperative to consult an intellectual property specialist, who will provide you with the appropriate assistance to repair the damage. He or she can also help you obtain damages in a court of law.





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What is the difference between a patent specialist and a specialist in soft IP (trademarks, designs, etc.)?

If you are considering legal actions related to intellectual property, it is important to understand the difference between a patent specialist and a specialist in trademarks, designs, etc., otherwise known as a soft IP specialist. Both work with individuals, companies and other entities to ensure and optimize the protection of their intellectual property rights. However, they specialize in different areas of IP law.


Patent specialists assist clients in obtaining, protecting and enforcing their patent rights. They are familiar with the complex regulations surrounding patents and can advise clients on how to comply with the relevant laws. They also assist clients in drafting and filing patent applications, as well as conducting searches to determine the patentability of an invention. These are known as prior art searches, which are also found in other areas of intellectual property law.


Soft IP specialists focus on the broader spectrum of IP law. They provide advice on legal issues related to copyright, trademark, designs, domain names, etc.



They negotiate for their clients and can help them resolve various types of litigation: Internet infringement, subsequent trademark that imitates the one the client has protected. Additionally, they often provide advice on how to protect IP rights and enhance their value (via a trademark license, for example).


Therefore, it is necessary to turn to the right interlocutor; of course, firms may have several departments and be specialists in several fields: patents, software, Internet, trademarks, etc.!


By knowing the qualifications and specific areas of expertise of each specialist, you can be sure to choose the right person to handle a case. However, an IP attorney will of course refer you to one of his colleagues if your IP problem does not fall within his field of expertise.





For further information, do not hesitate to contact us:


We offer our clients a dedicated and unique experience of expertise that is necessary for the exploitation of intangible assets.  We will also endeavor to keep you informed and up-to-date about intellectual property and digital economic issues through our articles and newsletters written by the Dreyfus Legal Team.

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How do I Protect My Intellectual Property Rights?

Intellectual property (IP) is an important asset for any company. It is the creative expression of an idea, an invention or a brand. It is essential to protect your IP rights in order to ensure a monopoly of exploitation on your creations. Whether you are a business owner, an inventor or an artist, it is important to understand how to protect your IP rights. This article will provide an overview of the steps to follow to protect your rights.




The first step in protecting your IP rights is to understand what intellectual property is. This includes copyrights, trademarks, patents, designs and trade secrets. Copyright protects literary and artistic works, such as books, paintings, music and films. Trademark law protects a sign: it can be verbal but it can also be a logo or a sound sign such as a jingle. Patent rights protect inventions and trade secrets protect confidential business information.


Once you have identified the type of intellectual property you own, the next step is to register that asset. Apart from copyright, which arises with a work of the mind, intellectual property rights must be registered with the office in the country where you wish to be protected. For example, the INPI is the competent office for French trademarks, patents and designs.


Once this registration has been made, you will have an intellectual property right that will allow you to defend your creation in case of infringement. You will be able to exercise this right as you wish: for example, you will be able to conclude contracts on this right in order to be remunerated for each authorized use.


Concerning the business secret, it is usual to protect it by a confidentiality agreement. This contract will allow you to take legal action if your co-contractor violates its obligations.


Therefore, these IP rights will give you the means to defend your rights: first of all in a pre-litigation means by a letter of formal notice, then in a litigation manner, by taking legal action. It will be important to call upon a lawyer or counsel specialized in intellectual property and experienced.





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We offer our clients a dedicated and unique experience of expertise that is necessary for the exploitation of intangible assets.  We will also endeavor to keep you informed and up-to-date about intellectual property and digital economic issues through our articles and newsletters written by the Dreyfus Legal Team.

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What Areas of Intellectual Property Does an Attorney Specialize In?

Intellectual property law is an ever-evolving field that covers a wide range of legal matters related to copyrights, trademarks, patents, trade secrets, and other forms of creative works. In today’s digital age, understanding the nuances of intellectual property law has become increasingly important for businesses, entrepreneurs, and individuals.




What about trademark law?

Trademark law considers an exclusive right of use on a sign which can be verbal or figurative. The trademark has a function of identification of origin: it indicates to consumers the origin of the goods and services covered by the trademark.

A lawyer or attorney specializing in trademark law will be able to help you register a sign and provide you with advice and establish an effective strategy so that your trademark is protected against infringement. Thus, the trademark lawyer or attorney will be able to accompany you in the defense of your trademark against various infringements.



What about patent law?

Patent law was designed to protect inventors from unauthorized use and reproduction of their inventions. A patent gives its owner an exclusive right to use an invention. This invention can take different forms: it can be a product invention or a process invention.

A patent lawyer or attorney will be able to help you file a patent application and provide advice on how to best protect your invention from unauthorized use. This includes advice on how to properly use your invention and what to do if someone infringes on your right.



What about trade secrets?

Trade secrets are designed to protect businesses from unauthorized disclosure of confidential information. Trade secrets can include formulas, processes, recipes, customer lists and other confidential information.

An attorney or counsel who specializes in trade secret law can help you to protect your confidential information and provide advice on how to prevent unauthorized disclosure of those trade secrets. This includes advice on how to properly use your trade secrets and what to do if someone infringes on your rights.



In conclusion, intellectual property law covers a multitude of matters: copyright, trademark law, patent law, trade secrets and design law. Contacting a lawyer or attorney competent in the field is essential in order to best protect your intellectual property rights.




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We offer our clients a dedicated and unique experience of expertise that is necessary for the exploitation of intangible assets.  We will also endeavor to keep you informed and up-to-date about intellectual property and digital economic issues through our articles and newsletters written by the Dreyfus Legal Team.

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How Much Does an Intellectual Property Attorney Cost in the EU?

Protecting your copyrights, trademarks and other forms of intellectual property is essential to the success of your business. Therefore, it is important to understand the cost of effective protection. How much does an IP lawyer or attorney cost in the EU?





The cost of an IP lawyer or attorney in the European Union depends on several factors, including the expertise in question, the experience of the lawyer and the location of the lawyer. Some attorneys will charge for their services on a flat fee basis while others will charge on a time basis.


The cost of an IP lawyer or attorney in the European Union depends on several factors, including the expertise in question, the experience of the lawyer and the location of the lawyer. Some attorneys will charge for their services on a flat fee basis while others will charge on a time basis.


The complexity of the case and the amount of work required will also influence the cost of the service. When searching for an IP lawyer in the EU, it is important to consider the experience and reputation of the IP lawyer or attorney. A lawyer who has handled similar cases in the past will have a better understanding of the legal process and framework and will be more likely to provide effective representation.


Furthermore, it is important to choose an attorney who is familiar with the laws and regulations of the country where your business is located. Once you have chosen an intellectual property lawyer, it is important to determine the cost of their services.


Many attorneys will offer a free initial consultation, which can be a great way to get a sense of future fees. The attorney will be able to provide you with an estimate of their fees, or a detailed quote, as well as any additional costs associated with, for example, trademark filing fees or foreign agents that may be required.


In addition to legal fees, an IP attorney may also charge for any additional services they provide. This may include searching EU law, drafting documents or providing expertise. The cost of these services will vary depending on the lawyer and the services they provide.



When it comes to protecting your intellectual property rights, it is important to hire a qualified and experienced attorney or counsel. The cost of an IP lawyer or attorney in the EU can vary, but it is important to ensure that your lawyer is experienced, competent and able to provide effective representation.





For further information, do not hesitate to contact us:


We offer our clients a dedicated and unique experience of expertise that is necessary for the exploitation of intangible assets.  We will also endeavor to keep you informed and up-to-date about intellectual property and digital economic issues through our articles and newsletters written by the Dreyfus Legal Team.

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Does an IP lawyer need to be licensed to practice in the EU?

In the European Union (EU), intellectual property rights are regulated by two offices: the European Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) located in Alicante and the European Patent Office (EPO) located in Munich. Therefore, as an ordinary person or legal professional who owns an intellectual property right, you will probably need to hire a lawyer specialized in intellectual property in order to best protect. However, does this lawyer have to be licensed in the EU to practice? This means that if you are a company or an individual who owns intellectual property rights, you may need to hire an intellectual property lawyer to protect you and your business. Then it is important to consider, does that lawyer have to be licensed in the EU?




In short, the answer is no. An IP lawyer does not need to be licensed in the EU to practice. However, there are certain requirements that must be met to practice in the EU Primarily, an attorney must have a valid license in the jurisdiction where he or she practices. This license must be issued by the competent authority of the jurisdiction.


Secondly, the lawyer must have a valid professional qualification in intellectual property law. Furthermore, this qualification must be recognized by the EPO. The lawyer must also be a member of a professional body recognized by the EPO.


Finally, the lawyer must be registered with the EPO. This registration requires the provision of certain documents, including a valid license and a professional qualification in intellectual property law. Once the registration is complete, the lawyer will be added to the register of intellectual property lawyers authorized by the EPO. The lawyer will also be required to meet the ethical standards established by the EPO. These standards are set out in the European Patent Convention, which is the legal framework that governs intellectual property law in the EU and more specifically patent law.



Overall, an IP lawyer does not need to be licensed in the EU to practice. However, he must meet certain requirements to practice in the EU, including having a valid license, a valid professional qualification and being registered with the EPO.







For further information, do not hesitate to contact us:



We offer our clients a dedicated and unique experience of expertise that is necessary for the exploitation of intangible assets.  We will also endeavor to keep you informed and up-to-date about intellectual property and digital economic issues through our articles and newsletters written by the Dreyfus Legal Team.

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What are the services provided by an intellectual property attorney?

An intellectual property lawyer or attorney specializes in the protection and enforcement of intellectual property rights. Intellectual property (IP) rights protect intangible objects, such as inventions, intellectual works or trademarks. Depending on the country, these rights are governed by federal, state and international laws.



An intellectual property lawyer is an expert in the various fields of intellectual property law: patent law, trademark law, copyright law and design law. Thus, they are able to help their clients protect their ideas and creations against potential infringements. For example, an intellectual property lawyer or attorney can help a person or a company to file a patent or a trademark. They can also assist a client in the management of their copyrights. Finally, the lawyer specialized in intellectual property can take the necessary measures and act if necessary to prevent infringements.


One of the main services provided by a lawyer or attorney specialized in intellectual property is the filing of a patent application. A patent gives its holder exclusive rights to exploit an invention for a period of 20 years. The lawyer specialized in intellectual property will then be able to help you to establish a general and global strategy of defense of your invention in order to ensure it is protected.


Another service that can be provided by a lawyer specialized in intellectual property is the registration of a trademark. Just like the patent right, the trademark right refers a control of possible exploitation of the sign. The trademark is a distinctive sign allowing to link products or services to the company from which they originate. The lawyer or intellectual property attorney can help a person or a legal entity register a sign as a trademark and then defend this trademark against infringements.


In addition to assisting in the creation of a trademark or patent right, an intellectual property lawyer can ensure that the right in question is respected. For example, an intellectual property lawyer will be able to negotiate a license agreement for an intellectual property right, to act in case of infringement and to help a person in the legal sector this copyright, etc.


Finally, an intellectual property lawyer can provide advice and guidance to clients on how best to protect their intellectual property assets. They can help clients to understand the various aspects of intellectual property law and provide advice on how to best protect their ideas, designs and inventions from theft or misuse.

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What services does an intellectual property attorney provide?

Intellectual property (IP) lawyers and attorneys provide a variety of services to help protect a company’s or individual’s creations and inventions from being copied or misused. IP lawyers and attorneys specialize in the legal protection of copyrights, trademarks, patents, and trade secrets. These four areas of IP law are the main focus of IP attorneys, but they can also provide other services related to IP rights, such as drafting licensing agreements, infringement actions and litigation strategy.



When it comes to copyright protection, IP lawyers and attorneys assist their clients in drafting and negotiating copyright agreements, such as transfer and license agreements. In addition, they can help prevent and protect their clients from potential copyright infringement.

When it comes to trademarks, IP lawyers and attorneys can help their clients register their trademarks in France and in the European Union with the EUIPO. They can also assist their clients who would like to register their trademarks internationally and specifically, in the United States, thanks to their partnerships with other firms.  Moreover, they can also advise their clients on how to protect their trademarks against infringement and how to enforce their rights against those who infringe their trademarks.


Furthermore, patents are another area in which IP lawyers and attorneys specialize. An IP attorney can assist a client in filing and prosecuting a patent application. They can also help with patent infringement and licensing disputes.


Finally, IP lawyers and attorneys can help clients protect their trade secrets. They can advise clients on how to protect their trade secrets, such as implementing confidentiality agreements, patents, and non-disclosure agreements. Additionally, they can help clients enforce their trade secrets against those who attempt to use or disclose them without authorization.


In addition to the above services, IP lawyers and attorneys also provide other services related to IP law. These services can include conducting IP audits to identify potential IP issues, providing IP licensing advice and assistance, filing IP litigation, and providing IP   training.


In conclusion, IP lawyers and attorneys can be valuable assets to businesses and individuals who wish to protect their intellectual property. As mentioned above, an IP attorney can provide a multitude of services to help protect copyrights, trademarks, patents and trade secrets. Attorneys and lawyers can be involved at the outset of a client’s project, but also throughout the project’s life and in the event of litigation. 

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What is an intellectual property attorney?

An intellectual property attorney is a lawyer specialized in intellectual property law, who has a mission to support the protection of intellectual creations. Intellectual property law includes industrial property such as patents, trademarks and designs, as well as literary and artistic property. Intellectual property lawyers have a unique set of skills and knowledge related to filing, drafting contracts, as well as litigation related to intellectual property rights.

The purpose of an intellectual property lawyer is to assist individuals and businesses in protecting their intellectual property rights. This includes providing legal advice and representation to clients involved in the development, protection and enforcement of their intellectual property rights, primarily in the areas of patent, trademark, design and copyright.

Patents: A patent is a government grant that gives the owner exclusive rights to make and sell his invention. To obtain a patent, you must file a patent application with the national or regional Intellectual Property Office and meet the criteria for patentability including novelty, inventive step and industrial application. An intellectual property lawyer can assist in the patent application process, as well as in the application of a patent.

Trademarks: A trademark is a sign that distinguishes the products or services of a company from those of its competitors. The trademark can be a word, a name, a logo, etc. or a combination of these elements. Being one of the industrial property rights, it is necessary for the owner to file the trademark application with the coorect office. In order to be registered, the trademark must also meet certain criteria, including availability, distinctiveness and lawfulness. Trademarks have a central place in the work of intellectual property attorneys because they are important assets and the capital of companies.

Designs: Intellectual property lawyers also assist clients with the protection of designs. They protect the appearance of a product or part of a product characterized by lines, contours, colors, etc.

Copyright: Copyright is the legal protection of an original work expressed in tangible form. Copyright protects not only literary works, but also musical, graphic, and sound creations, as well as software and applied art. Although copyright is automatically protected without procedures, it is recommended to file the application for registration. An intellectual property lawyer can assist in the registration and enforcement of a copyright.


An intellectual property lawyer is an important asset for individuals and companies seeking to protect their intellectual property. The role of intellectual property lawyers contributes significantly to the development of technology as well as the economy.




This article is current as of the date of its publication and does not necessarily reflect the present state of the law or relevant regulation.

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