
Webinar April 7, 2020: Internet and Compliance (part 1)

Webinar : Internet and Compliance (part 1)


The rules of the game have changed,

strategies to protect the company and its leaders.





The legal, regulatory and fiscal constraints (resulting in particular from the Sapin 2 Law, the LCEN or the EU
Directive of 23 October 2019 on the protection of whistleblowers) that weigh on companies are increasingly rigorous. Companies must implement a governance policy capable of minimizing their responsibility and exposure to their customers, shareholders and the competent authorities.



Among the aspects to be considered in the context of this compliance are domain names. While they are an undeniable corporate asset, they are also vectors of risk: phishing, fraud against the president, fake sites, identity theft, forged e-mails, and so on.


In the event of a breach, they can also damage the reputation of the company and its managers, resulting in a loss of customers. It is therefore imperative to put in place the appropriate strategies to anticipate the dangers, react effectively in the event of an attack and ultimately protect the company.


The current situation linked to the coronavirus epidemic is increasing the risks, with the number of frauds increasing considerably while companies are disorganized and vulnerable.

We propose to analyse these issues with you, sharing our experience. In particular, we will be able to answer the following questions:

– What are the obligations of companies with regard to compliance?

– What are the risks to be anticipated?

– What strategies should be implemented to do so?

– What are the control points?

– What levers should be implemented to react effectively in the event of a proven breach?

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Proceedings for invalidity and revocation before the INPI

As of April 1, 2020, it is now possible to bring actions for cancellation on grounds of invalidity and revocation on grounds of nonuse of trademarks at the French trademark Office –INPI.

Among the new developments resulting from the implementation of European Directive 2015/2436 of December 16, 2015, (known as the “Trademark reform Package”) into French law, the new procedures for the cancellation on grounds of invalidity and revocation on grounds of nonuse of trademarks are those that will undoubtedly change the landscape of intellectual property law in France.

The European directive placed an obligation on member states to create an administrative procedure to bring invalidity and revocation proceedings. The aim of this measure being to facilitate challenges to registrations in order to declutter the trademark register.

In France, since April 1, 2020, these actions can be brought before the French Trademark Office INPI, bringing French trademark law increasingly closer to European law. Until now, only the Court was able to hear these cases. From now on, the competence is shared between some specialized courts and the INPI.

How is this to be done?

The division of competences is set out in Article L.716-5 of the French Intellectual Property Code.   With the exception of applications for invalidity based on a prior Copyright, Design right or Personality right (which must be brought before a competent judicial Court), INPI has exclusive jurisdiction for applications for invalidity where no other legal issue arises based on an absolute ground, and applications for invalidity (again where no other legal issue arises) based on the following relative grounds :

– A trademark right

– A corporate name

– An appellation of origin or geographical indication

– The name of a local authority or public entity.


The judicial court has exclusive jurisdiction over counterclaims for invalidity or revocation of rights, applications for invalidity or revocation of rights on any grounds whatsoever where the application is connected with another action falling within its jurisdiction and, finally, applications for invalidity of rights brought as a principal claim on the following relative grounds:

– Copyright

– Design

– Personality rights.


In order to avoid any delaying measures, it is provided that the principle of “res judicata” will apply to such decisions of the Director of INPI and of the judicial court.

The French legislator has gone beyond the provisions of the European Directive, which only requires Member States to confer jurisdiction on the Trademark Offices with respect to certain grounds of invalidity (invalidity based on absolute grounds or on an earlier similar or identical trademark).

Which trademark registration can be challenged?

An application for invalidity or revocation may be filed against a registered French trademark or on the French part of an international trademark.

What is the procedure before the INPI?



Like the new trademark opposition procedure, the invalidity or revocation procedure follows the principle of a fair hearing. Following the examination phase, which starts from the day on which the action was filed, and as soon as the action is considered admissible, the owner has a period of 2 months to submit his observations in the case of an invalidity action or to provide proof of use in a revocation action.

The applicant has then one month to file a response. The parties may make up to three contradictory written exchanges at the end of which, and where appropriate, an oral presentation of the observations may be requested by either party but also requested by the INPI.

Depending on the number of exchanges carried out, this investigation phase may last between two and six months. The INPI then has a maximum period of three months to render its decision.

Thus, the total duration of the procedure should last a maximum of nine months from the date of notification of the action to the adverse party, which is much faster than the legal action hitherto open to the applicant.

A stay of proceedings may be requested jointly by the parties for a period of four months, renewable twice. It may also be suspended at the initiative of the INPI, in particular pending the receipt of information and elements likely to have an impact on the outcome of the dispute or the situation of the parties.

Finally, unlike court proceedings, the applicant need not demonstrate a specific legal interest. This will therefore allow a greater number of actions and give rise to new strategies for the release of rights.

In conclusion, the introduction of these new administrative procedures by the implementation of the “Trademark reform Package” in France provides a fast and inexpensive procedure, against a registered nuisance trademark avoiding the much more restrictive judicial process.

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UDRP Procedure: abuse of right or, when the complaint is brought in bad faith

Advice Group is an Italian company founded in 2006 and specialized in marketing. It is based in Turin but has offices in Rome, Bari and subsidiaries in Bulgaria, Kosovo, Portugal, Colombia and Peru.


Having noted the registration of the domain name <> by a third party, the company turns to the WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center for its transfer. The domain name was reserved in 2014 by Michele Dionia of Macrosten LTD, located in Cyprus. The domain name resolves to a page of commercial links and suggests that the name may be for sale (Internet users can make an offer).


The Respondent did not respond to the complaint.


The expert acknowledges the likelihood of confusion between the disputed domain name and the applicant’s Italian semi-figurative trademark, “A Advice Progressive Marketing Thinking”.


However, he decides not to rule on the issue of legitimate interest, referring to his observations on the issue of bad faith. Nevertheless, he makes several observations on the legitimate interest, in favor of the Respondent: the terms that make up the domain name are generic and the Respondent did not make active use of the name, he simply let the registrar promote its services and included a message advising Internet users to contact the registrant for the purchase of the name.

The expert also obviously did some research on his part, which he is not bound to do, since he notes that there are many companies called Advice Group throughout the world.



Concerning bad faith, the expert insists on the fact that at the time of the registration of the name, the applicant had not yet registered a trademark. The filing took place nine months after the reservation of the name in question and the obtaining of rights, two years later! Nothing suggests that the Respondent had the Complainant in mind when registering this domain name consisting of dictionary terms. Moreover, the fact that Internet users could propose the purchase of the name does not mean that the aim of Macrosten LTD was to resell it at a high price to Advice Group.


Thus, not only is the complaint rejected, but the expert also decides to qualify the complaint as a case of “reverse domain name hijacking”, i.e. it is considered that the complaint was filed with the sole purpose of depriving the domain name holder of the domain name. Here, the Complainant accused the Respondent of cybersquatting even though no evidence to that effect was provided and the name, consisting of generic terms, predates the Complainant’s trademark registration.


It should be remembered that proving the bad faith of a registrant when the domain  name consists of generic terms is difficult. It is essential to show that the registrant had the applicant’s trademark in mind. In the present case, it can be assumed that even if the Complainant’s trademark had been older, this would not have been sufficient to ensure the success of the complaint. The setting up of a site similar to that of the Complainant or for the same activities, or contact made by the registrant are elements that make possible to constitute a relevant case . Here, the Complainant had no evidence to justify his position.


Dreyfus firm, an expert in trademark law, can help you by offering you unique online trademark management services.

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UDRP procedure: impossibility for a trademark owner to request the transfer of a domain name after its sale

The Swiss company Blockwords AG, formerly known as Swiss Future Project AG, operates an encryption exchange under the sign SCX, which was registered as a Swiss trademark on December 19, 2017.


The company has filed a UDRP complaint with the WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center for the transfer of the domain name <>, alleging, among other things, that it infringes its trademark rights.

This domain name was registered on April 23, 2001 and acquired by the Swiss company in March 2018.  In March 2019, the name was transferred to the company SwissClass Trade AG, which subsequently sold it to the Respondent in the same month for more than EUR 60,000.

The Swiss company claims that a fraud was committed when the domain name <> was transferred to SwissClass Trade AG due to the absence of two signatures from Blockworks AG which would have made the transfer legal.


In addition, it considers that the transfer of the domain name is the result of a mismanagement on the part of a former member of the board of directors.  Ultimately, the complainant fears misuse of the domain name by the Respondent although the latter has not changed the services offered on the website in question, which remain those of the Complainant.


The Respondent explains that it is incomprehensible that the Complainant would want to recover the domain name. Indeed, the Complainant sold the domain name to SwissClass Trade AG, which was free to resell it to the Respondent at a later date. Therefore, the Respondent believes that it was not at fault and that the issue is between the Complainant’s management and SwissClass Trade AG and not between the Complainant and the Respondent.

The Complainant’s position is not supported by the expert who believes that there was no fraud in the sale and transfer of the domain name to SwissClass Trade AG since the sale was signed by two legal representatives of the Complainant’s company. Therefore, the applicant cannot both sell its domain name and subsequently request its transfer. Furthermore, the expert did not accept the argument of mismanagement by one of the former members of the company’s board of directors, due to insufficient evidence.

The expert acknowledges, however, that the situation raises some questions: why did the Respondent purchase this domain name for more than 60,000 euros and what was its intention, even though it could immediately see that the name referred to a third party’s site?

The expert concludes that the complaint should be rejected. Due to the complex facts of the case, he is of the opinion that a judicial procedure would be more appropriate to gather the various pieces of evidence and to rule on them.


This scenario once again illustrates two problems. The first concerns the internal management of domain names: optimal security must always be ensured so that there is no risk of losing control of the names. The second issue related to the fact that UDRP is not an appropriate forum for all disputes. In the present case, it seemed clearly impossible to resolve the dispute between the parties without ruling both on the relationship between Blockwords AG and SwissClasse Trade AG and between Swiss Classe Trade AG and the Respondent.

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CJEU: Relief of the burden of proof on the territorial scope of use of a trademark

The CJEU rendered a crucial decision in its recent Intas caseon the maintenance of Intellectual Property rights. According to the Court, it is not imperative that a European Union (EU) trademark be used in a substantial part of the EU. On the contrary, its use in a single Member State could be enough to prove genuine use.

In the matter before the CJEU for the mentioned decision, the claimant filed a trademark application before the EUIPOconsisting of the sign “INTAS” and designating goods in classes 5 and 10.

The defendant subsequently filed an opposition to this application claiming that it was similar to two of its earlier trademark registrations which both consist of the sign “INDAS” and cover goods in the same classes.

The claimant requested proof of use of the earlier trademarks. The defendant duly submitted this evidence and its opposition was accepted by the EUIPO on this basis. The claimant proceeded to appeal the decision before the EUIPO, but its appeal was dismissed. Finally, the matter was brought before the CJEU.


  • The territorial scope for genuine use


The CJEU examined the question of whether proof of use submitted for only one Member State for the use of an EU trademark was sufficient to support its genuine use pursuant to Article 47(2) of the EU TM Regulation.

Interestingly, the CJEU rejectedthe argument that the territorial scope of the use of an EU trademark cannot be limitedto the territory of a single Member State. The Court also rejected the argument that the genuine use of an EU trademark necessitates that the trademark be used in a substantial part of the EU.

Yet, the CJEU still admits that it is reasonable to expect that an EU trademark shall be put to use in a wider area than the territory of one Member State to show its genuine use. However, the Court underlines that it is not always imperativethat the trademark be put to use in an extensive geographic area because evaluation of genuine use is an overall assessment. It depends on all the characteristics of the related goods or service, and not only on the geographical scope of the use.

The CJEU accepts that, in certain cases, the market for the goods or services in the scope of an EU trademark can be restricted to the territory of only one Member State. In such a case, proving serious use of the EU trademark within that State may satisfy the conditions for genuine use.


  • Assessment of genuine use


The CJEU holds that it is impossible to determine, a priori, a certain territorial scope when assessing if the use of an EU trademark is genuine or not. Rather, an EU trademark is deemed to be genuinely usedwhere it is used in accordance with :

– its essential function of designating origin for the related goods or services ;

– the objective of maintaining or creating market sharesin the EU.


When evaluating genuine use, the following factors should be taken into account: the characteristics of the relevant market; the nature of the goods or services within the scope of the trademark; and the scale, territorial extent, regularity and frequency of use.


Impact of the Decision


This is an important interpretation made by the CJEU affecting the burden of proof when it comes to showing the genuine use of an EU trademark. The CJEU clearly sets forth that the territorial scope is only one of several factors to consider when assessing whether the trademark is put to genuine use or not.

This does not mean that the territorial extension of the trademark’s use is not important at all. However, the CJEU affirms that the geographical extension of the trademark’s use is not the only factorto take into account. This assessment depends on all the facts and circumstances relevant in determining if the commercial use of the trademark creates or maintains market sharesfor the concerned goods or services.



Consequently, the CJEU held that the assessment of whether the use of a trademark is genuine or not is an overall assessment. The territorial scope of the use is only one factor in this assessment, amongst the other factors mentioned in this article. This interpretation will probably lead to changes in the strict perception that the genuine useof an EU trademark cannot be proven with showing its use in one single Member State. It will soften the burden of proof on the trademark owners.

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Resolving IP disputes through Mediation in France

Dreyfus & associés, in association with INTA, had the pleasure of organizing a breakfast debate last February.

The theme of the breakfast debate was the following:

Resolving IP disputes through Mediation in France“.


Mediation is an alternative dispute resolution on the rise in different fields of law, notably in intellectual property law. This alternative dispute resolution is an efficient mechanism to settle disputes. In the long term, resorting to mediation in intellectual property law might encourage parties to maintain or create business relationships (licensing, distribution contract, etc).




We had the opportunity to debate on:




– What are the pros and cons of mediation relating to intellectual property disputes?

– What are the obstacles to mediation for IP disputes?

– What is the process for mediation?

– Who is the mediator?

– How much does it cost?

– Future of mediation in intellectual property law


The event featured Rémi Garros-Quinn, a Legal Case Manager at the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) Arbitration and Mediation Center, and Berengère Clady, Case Manager – Head of ADR Department, at the Centre for Mediation and Arbitration of Paris (CMAP). It was hosted by local IP law firm Dreyfus & Associés.


Find here the note published in INTA Bulletin.

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Bad faith, a requirement that is duplicated between registration and bad faith use

While one generally refers to the “three criteria” of the UDRP (a trademark similar to the domain name; the absence of rights or legitimate interests of the defendant in the disputed domain name; and the bad faith of the registrant), it should be kept in mind that bad faith in UDRP matters has two aspects: the first is bad faith registration and the second is bad faith usage. Therefore, proving only one of these elements is insufficient even though it may be considered “fair” that a name used in bad faith should be transferred to the applicant.
In the present case, Great American Hotel Group, Inc. complained that its former vice-president retained the domain name <> and changed the password of the account used to manage this name with the registrar.

It all started in 2011 when the applicant decided to adopt the name Great American Hotel Group. Its president at the time asked Mr. Greene, then vice-president of the company, to reserve the domain name <>.
The latter did so, but – apparently without notifying his superior – reserved the domain name in his name instead of that of the company. He did, however, record the company’s postal address, and pay with the company card. In 2012, he hired an anonymity service to hide his data.

Since its registration, the name had been used for the company and Mr. Greene had always treated the domain name as part of the company’s assets.

However, following disagreements, Mr. Greene was suspended from office in 2015 and dismissed in 2016. In 2017, the name was renewed by the company’s technical teams even though Mr. Greene was no longer present. However, the latter subsequently changed the password so that the name could no longer be renewed by the company. The applicant’s counsel proceeded to send Mr. Greene a letter of formal notice, which remained unanswered, leading to the filing of a UDRP complaint.

The panellist acknowledged that the applicant had common law trademark rights through the use of the sign “Great American” and that the registrant did not have any legitimate rights or interest in the name as it was created for the applicant company.
He also acknowledged that the domain name was used by Mr. Greene in bad faith.

Nevertheless, the panellist was more sceptical regarding the issue of bad faith registration. Indeed, the name had been reserved by Mr. Greene at the request of the president of the applicant company, which, in principle, had, in fact, been a registration in good faith.

In order for registration by an employee to qualify as having been done in bad faith, the panellist specified that the employee must have, from the beginning, had “an intention to cause harm”. Therefore, the evaluation must be factual and done on a case-by-case basis.

In this case, Mr. Greene had registered the domain name in his own name. The panellist found that “this may be subject to questioning, and the fact that he did not mention the company does not constitute a good domain name management practice”, however, the president and the company seemed to be equally as uninterested in formalizing the reservation of the name.


For four years, until he was suspended from his functions, the registrant had always displayed conduct that demonstrated that he understood that the name belonged to the company. Thus, there is no reason to suppose that by reserving the name four years earlier, he had intended to compete with the applicant or to benefit from some type of tactical advantage against him.

Consequently, the plaintiff’s complaint was dismissed as the registration in bad faith had not been established. Nevertheless, the panellist specified that the applicant could turn to other avenues to try to obtain relief.


The significance of this decision, in addition to highlighting the dual condition of bad faith, is that it reiterates the need to set up an internal naming charter to avoid any dispersion of assets, both in terms of trademarks and domain names.



WIPO, Arbitration and Mediation Center, Sept. 2, 2019, No. D2019-1638, Great American Hotel Group c/ Domains By Proxy, LLC / R Greene

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The blockchain offers a modern and simplified register for the traceability of your Intellectual Property rights

With the appearance of the blockchain, monitoring the life cycle of the creation of your Intellectual Property by setting a specific registration date and ensuring the traceability of its evolution is a lot simpler. Opening the account is easy, as is backing up and viewing the data embedded in it.



  • What is a blockchain ?

The Blockchain is a database (a growing list of records, called ‘blocks’) that are linked using cryptography. Each block contains a cryptographic hash of the previous block, a timestamp and transaction data.

It is a reliable and transparent registry which everyone can access and contains the history of exchanges between users. However, once recorded, the data in any given block cannot be altered retroactively without alteration of all subsequent blocks, which requires consensus of the network operators. Material can be saved on this decentralized and secure system for an unlimited period of time.


  • Easy monitoring of the registration cycle

The blockchain is of great practical use in the traceability of intellectual property rights.

On the one hand, it is low cost and speedy. The decrease in costs can be explained by the fact of intermediaries are bypassed. As for its speed, all you need to do is open an account and download the document that includes the data concerning creation of your Intellectual Property.

On the other hand, all the steps concerning the creation of your Intellectual Property should be recorded ; whether it is the date of the first application for registration, of the first use in trade or an assignment etc. Similarly, operations such as mergers or acquisitions are more easily recorded via the database.


  • Confidentiality of data

The document containing information about your creation of the Intellectual Property is not stored in the blockchain, only its digital footprint. Accordingly, it is impossible for third parties to access its content, you are the only one having access to it. You can therefore be confident that your data will be safe.


  • A revolution in evidence

Thanks to the blockchain, proof of creation is made easier and the procedure made faster, the Blockchain giving certainty of the time and date. It also makes it possible to trace the exploitation of digital works on the web.

Nevertheless, to acquire incontestable force of proof, it is necessary to have the evidence concerned established by a bailiff. The bailiff is able to establish an indisputable proof of origin and anteriority before a judge.


  • Fight against counterfeiting

The blockchain is a register which cannot be falsified, providing proof of the authenticity of the creation of your Intellectual Property and thus limiting the possibilities of counterfeiting. This system indicates who is the author of the creation and therefore is a significant piece of evidence to establish the actual date of the creation.


  • Fight against counterfeiting

The blockchain is a register which cannot be falsified, providing proof of the authenticity of the creation of your Intellectual Property and thus limiting the possibilities of counterfeiting. This system indicates who is the author of the creation and therefore is a significant piece of evidence to establish the actual date of the creation.



The blockchain has many advantages with regard to intellectual property rights. Whether it is security, transparency, lower cost, speed, ease of proof, confidentiality or even the certainty of authenticity : it has multiple strengths which are favourable to the protection of your creations.

With the service of the DreyfusBlockchain , we offer simple, effective and secure protection for your creations.


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World Intellectual Property Forum, November 6-8 2019

Meet Nathalie Dreyfus at the World Intellectual Property Forum in Grand Hyatt Taipei, Taiwan, from November 6 to 8, 2019.

This year’s conference will be on the following theme: “IP as a Powerhouse for Innovation and Economic Growth“. This three-day forum will focus on recent developments in intellectual property and their synchronization with business objectives.

Nathalie Dreyfus will be speaking on November 8 from 1:30 pm to 3 pm on the following panel “How can emerging technologies be adopted in the current intellectual property law system? ».

As a reminder, the World Intellectual Property Forum is an opportunity to hear from intellectual property experts who will share the latest trends, ideas and strategies in patenting, litigation, trademarks and other current issues related to intellectual property. This forum also offers participants many opportunities to meet visionary entrepreneurs and industry experts from around the world.

More information:


Dreyfus can assist you in the management of your trademarks portfolios in all countries of the world. Do not hesitate to contact us.

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