Legal Watch : A public figure’s name constitutes a right that can be the basis for UDRP proceedings

Less than a month after the 2022 presidential elections, a WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center’s Expert rendered a decision regarding a domain name reproducing the name of the re-elected candidate Emmanuel Macron.


The domain name in dispute, <emmanuel-macron.com>, had been registered on the 3rd October 2015, during the time when Emmanuel Macron was still the Minister of Economy, Industry, and Digital Technology. Far from merely imitating the future president’s name, this litigious domain name would redirect to this website, which in fact, was the official website of the adverse polemist candidate during the 2022 presidential election. In this respect, we note that the domain name did not redirect to content related to Mr. Eric Zemmour before 2022 (according to an Archive.org search).






The complainant logically argues in their complaint that they must fulfill the requirements of paragraph 4(a) of the Policy, where it is specified that there are three cumulative elements necessary to claim the transfer of the disputed domain name.  These are :


♦ The similarity of the domain with a right of the complainant.

  • The lack of right or legitimate interest in the domain name on the respondent’s part.
  • The proof of bad faith registration and use by the registrant.


The interest of this case stands within two main points : the assessment of the similarity between the disputed domain name and the complainant’s prior rights, and the characterization of the registrant’s legitimate interest.


The complainant presents his arguments based on the existence of non-registered rights to the trademark “EMMANUEL MACRON”, a concept no longer existing under French law (except for well-known trademarks). If, by the simple fact that a domain name contains a family name that is not sufficient enough to justify an interest in bringing an action, it is important to note that under the Policy, the Experts’ assessment varies depending on the use of the family name made by the complainant. Here, the domain name was reproducing both the first name and the family name of Mr. Macron.


The Expert considers that when a person’s name is used as a trademark-like identifier in commerce, a complainant may be able to establish unregistered rights from that name to succeed in the UDRP proceedings. In this case, the Expert explains and outlines that the complainant’s use of the name “Emmanuel Macron” is not limited to his political activities but also extends to a commercial use being in this case, the publication and sale of books. Therefore, from the commercial use of his name, the complainant satisfies the requirements of the Expert. The Expert in retrospect acknowledges him as holding a non-registered trademark right. Therefore, the identity of the signs in comparison is established.


As trademark specialists, we would have appreciated a more puristic demonstration. In France, trademark rights cannot be acquired through simple use without registration (except for well known trademarks). In this case, it was up to the complainant to demonstrate that he had acquired trademark rights under Common Law or that the name “EMMANUEL MACRON” was a well-known trademark for certain goods and/or services.


We assume that the case was urgent and that the Expert wanted to do the right thing in this unacceptable situation. The complainant was fortunate that the case was assigned to an Expert who wanted to achieve a fair decision at the expense of trademark laws.


The Expert then raises the question of legitimate non-commercial or fair use of the domain name, according to paragraph 4(c)(iii) of the Policy.

In this case, the disputed domain name, redirects to the website of another opposing political figure. Therefore, the use of this domain name does not seem commercial and therefore, could more likely fall into the scope being freedom of speech.


However, previous experts have ruled that the right to legitimate criticism does not necessarily extend to the registration or use of a domain name which is identical to a trademark or a right, when it could create a risk of confusion through impersonation. Therefore, the use of the name EMMANUEL MACRON to redirect to his opponent’s website, Eric Zemmour, would incur a risk of implicit affiliation with the complainant.  This would also constitute, on the part of the respondent, an attempt to misleadingly divert Internet users, especially since the respondent cannot claim to be known or be recognized under the name “EMMANUEL MACRON”.


As a result, and according to paragraph 4 (c) (iii) of the Policy, the Expert has determined and decided that it cannot therefore, be considered as a legitimate non-commercial or fair use status. In conclusion, the registration and use in bad faith were also acknowledged for the same reasons. As the domain name was registered at the end of 2015, the panel observed that the complainant had already acquired significant notoriety as a public figure in France. Moreover, the redirection to the website of a political opponent was likely to mislead Internet users and disrupt the complainant’s activities.


In retrospect, this case could have been subject to much harsher and serious consequences, as the intent seemed to take the form of manipulating an electorate in the run up to the presidential election, rather than taking advantage for commercial purposes.

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Legal Watch: UDRP Proceedings: Legitimate Interest of the Respondent

The legitimate interest of the respondent justified by the use of his trademark in connection with the services for which it is registered.


A respondent’s legitimate interest in UDRP proceedings is likely to be acknowledged when its registered domain names reproduce its trademark and said trademark is used for the services it covers, even though the trademark was registered subsequently to the domain name registrations. It is therefore essential for the complainant to prove in great detail that the defendant has sought to infringe its IP rights.

On 27 September 2021, Easy Online Solutions filed a UDRP complaint seeking the transfer of the domain names <cloud-mojo.com>, <cloudmojo.tech>, <cloudmojotech.com> and <cloudmojotech.website>, which were registered on varying dates between 8 May 2020 and 12 February 2021 by Cloudmojo Tech LLP.



The applicant is a US-based company specializing in the provision of web hosting, content distribution and other “software as a service (SaaS)” services. It owns four word trademarks registered in the United States between the years of 2012 and 2019 for services in class 42 relating to the signs ‘MOJOHOST’, ‘THAT’S GOOD MOJO’, ‘MOJOCDN’ and ‘MOJOCLOUD’. In addition, it has been using the domain name <mojohost.com> since 2002, and has also reserved the domain name <mojocloud.com> which redirects to the website www.mojohost.com.

Cloudmojo Tech LLP, established in June 2020 in Mumbai, India, specializes in the resale and distribution of Microsoft products and has reserved the disputed domain names in the course of its business. Furthermore, prior to the start of the proceedings in June 2022, the defendant filed the word trademark “CLOUDMOJO TECH” in India for services in Class 42, and notably for “computer programming”, “technology consulting” and “SaaS services”. Said trademark was registered on 9 December 2021.

The Panel acknowledges that there is a likelihood of confusion between the disputed domain names and the trademark “MOJOCLOUD” insofar as they consist of the same verbal elements, “MOJO” and “CLOUD”, although the terms are reversed.

In terms of the respondent’s rights or his legitimate interest, the Panel raised several points.

Firstly, the respondent is active in the IT industry, although on a relatively average scale.

Secondly, the domain names are very similar to the respondent’s corporate name. However, the respondent assumed the name only after the first three domain name registrations, i.e. a few weeks later.

The respondent argues that he was not aware of the complainant’s company, nor of its trademarks, at the time of the reservation of the disputed domain names (or at least of the first three domain names).

In fact, it must be noted that the term “cloud” is rather descriptive of the services concerned. In addition, although the term “mojo” is not descriptive of the services concerned, it is still a generic term. Thus, it is plausible that the respondent chose the term “mojo” without having been aware of the complainant’s trademarks.

This hypothesis is supported by the fact that the applicant’s marks do not seem to be known throughout the world. The Panel notes that the applicant has servers in the USA and the Netherlands. He has also been using the trademark “MOJOHOST” in the United States for numerous years. “MojoCloud” is the name used for a service offered on its website www.mojohost.com. Therefore, the claim that its trademarks have a substantial international reputation is not proven. The claimant provides no evidence of sales revenue, advertising expenditure, or of the volume of traffic generated by the www.mojohost.com website and by the redirection of www.mojocloud.com to www.mojohost.com.

In addition, the respondent has registered the trademark ‘CLOUDMOJO TECH’ in India, which is used for the relevant services. The applicant was aware of this registration application . However, no action was taken to oppose it. From this inaction it can be inferred that the applicant has no business in India. The Panel notes that although the applicant’s website is accessible from India, it has not demonstrated any activity in that territory.

In view of these elements, the complaint is rejected.

The decision is not surprising in that it is customary for a company to reflect its corporate name in a domain name, especially since the use of the respondent’s trademark is correlated with the services for which it is registered.

As such, it was essential for the complainant to prove the use of its marks in India but also to provide further evidence of its alleged international reputation. In view of the defendant’s corporate name, which was only revealed after the complaint was filed, a strong India-centered case was essential to have a chance of obtaining the transfer of the names.


(WIPO, Arbitration and Mediation Center, Case No. D2021-3197, 3 January 2022, Easy Online Solutions, Ltd. d/b/a MojoHost v. Ahmed Parvez Banatwala, Cloudmojo Tech LLP, and Ahmed Parvez Banatwala, Construma Consultancy Pvt. Ltd)

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CYBERSQUATTINGThe UDRP PROCEDURE is designed to deal with cases of abusive cybersquatting.

Since the implementation of the General Data Protection Regulation and, more generally, when domain names are registered anonymously, it is often difficult to identify the enemy that we intend to strike.

The issue can be solved through filing a UDRP complaint. This is what happened to the US company Capital Distribution Consulting Inc. As the owner of the semi-figurative trademark Royal dragon superior vodka 5X distilled, the company filed a complaint against the anonymously registered domain name <royaldragonvodka.com>.

Once the procedure was initiated, the identity of the registrant was revealed. The latter was a certain Mr. X, who was an officer of Horizons Group (London) in the United Kingdom and the owner of the UK trademark Royal dragon vodka.



In fact, it turned out that both parties obtained their trademarks through a transfer carried out by Dragon Spirits Limited in Hong Kong, of which Mr. Bharwani was one of the shareholders.
This information gave rise to further exchanges between the parties, each accusing the other of having obtained the trademark unlawfully. In particular, the complainant argued that the transfer to the defendant had taken place after the liquidation of the transferee.

The facts reported in this decision are particularly complex and all-encompassing, which indicates that the UDRP is not the appropriate forum for this kind of litigation.
The expert reported that the complainant filed an additional response, which is not provided for in the Regulation, after the defendant’s response and then a second response 9 days later. This response contained 15 annexes, including a sales agreement, court orders, share transfers, a declaration relating to the liquidation procedure, etc.

The expert decided not to accept this response and consequently not to consider the defendant’s request to reply in case these submissions were accepted.
The expert pointed out that this case does not concern a simple case of cybersquatting but rather a competition matter, involving trademarks being registered around the world.

He noted that trademark rectification proceedings based on competition grounds have been granted or are still pending in different jurisdictions. Therefore, the domain name in question is fully in line with this broader dispute. The expert recalled that the Guiding Principles of the UDRP are not designed to settle all kinds of disputes that would have any link with domain names. On the contrary, the Guidelines establish an inexpensive and streamlined administrative procedure being limited to ‘abusive cybersquatting’ cases.
This decision serves as a reminder that it is essential to obtain as much information as possible about the disputed domain name that forms the subject of a procedure. For relatively old names such as <royaldragonvodka.com> being registered in 2011, valuable information can be found through consulting the Whois history of the domain name.



WIPO, Arbitration and Mediation Center, Case No. D2021-2871, Nov. 24, 2021, Capital Distribution Holding Inc. v. Hiro Bharwani, Horizons Group (London) Ltd.

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The name < PARISTECH.ORG >, operated by Parisian entrepreneurs, would not infringe Paritech’s rights.

At the end of the year 2021, a surprising UDRP decision was issued. It concerned a complaint filed against the domain name < paristech.org > that was registered by an anonymous registrant in 2017. The complaint was filed by the French ParisTech Foundation («ParisTech») who is known for its higher education services primarily in the fields of science and technology,

ParisTech notably owns two French Paristech trademarks, registered in 1999 and 2010 and subsequently renewed, as well as the international trademark “Paris Institute of science and technology Paristech” registered in 2010 and renewed in 2020. It also owns the <paristech.fr> domain name, registered in 2004.
The disputed domain name was used to disseminate French articles on a variety of topics, most of which related to technology and innovation. Before filing a complaint, the complainant attempted to contact the registrant at the address mentioned on its website, but without success.


After the complaint had been filed, the defendant indicated that he was open to find an amicable agreement with the complainant. Although it led to the suspension of the proceedings, the negotiations – whereof the content has not been reported – were not successful. Consequently, the proceedings resumed. The defendant submitted a late response to the complaint, which the expert decided not to accept, based on the consideration that it would not have changed the outcome of the case anyway.
In his analysis, the expert acknowledges that the domain name is identical to the complainant’s prior Paristech trademarks.

However, as far as the legitimate interest is concerned, his position may seem unexpected since he decided not to rule on the matter.

He noted that the website included articles on various topics that mostly related to technology and innovation. The site incorporates a «Paris Tech» logo at the top of the page and at the bottom, a reference to the city of Paris and a postal code.

He noted that the «Paristech» website is managed by two Parisian entrepreneurs who want to keep track of technological developments.

The only method of contact is an email address. Nonetheless, the complainant demonstrated that this email address does not work.

The expert further noted that the legal notices only contained the contact details of the OVH host and that the contact details did not correspond to those provided by the registration office.
However, he noted that there is no evidence to suggest that the purpose of the defendant was to target the complainant’s trademark. The “Paris Tech” logo on the site is different from that of the complainant. In addition, the expert stated that the content presented on <paristech.org> and <paristech.fr> are different.

He explained that «Paristech» can easily be understood as “Paris Technology” referring to the content of the site.

Based on these facts, the expert considered that the complainant failed to prove the defendant’s bad faith and referred to his comments on this point.

He considered that the defendant could have known about the Paristech trademark when he registered the domain name since the complainant’s trademark appears to be known in France in connection with its research education services and that the website is operated by Parisian entrepreneurs, where the complainant is based.

Nevertheless, he noted that the site was non-commercial, relating to technology and innovation, and did not refer to the complainant’s field of activity, namely education.

Moreover, the expert noted that the complainant did not provide proof that the registrant had proposed the domain name for sale before the start of the proceedings, nor that he would have obtained a financial gain by making use of this domain name through taking advantage of the risk of confusion. Hence, the domain name registration does not constitute an abusive reproduction of third-party trademarks.

He therefore rejected the complaint, stating that the choice to hide his contact information on the Whois file and to provide on his website a contact email address that does not work is not sufficient to conclude bad faith registration.
This decision may seem surprising given the complainant’s reputation among the French speaking and international public.

The domain name is strictly identical to the earlier trademark and reproduces part of the complainant’s legal name. The website is operated in French. However, the complainant is located in France where it enjoys a certain reputation.

The legitimacy of the site may seem questionable since no legal notice is inserted and the contact address is false. The defendant does not claim trademark rights or a legal name «Paristech».
The website’s topics are similar to those covered by ParisTech. The fact of not drawing active income or not actively proposing the sale of the domain name does not mean that the defendant did not intend to target the complainant’s trademark. We note that as of December 30, 2021, the site is inactive.

By consulting the history of the Whois of the disputed domain name, we can see that on February 12, 2017, the name was held by Mr. X, ParisTech company. According to our research, the latter was the general manager of ParisTech. Subsequently, the name became anonymous. Therefore, there appears to be a very clear link between the complainant and this domain name.

Finally, although the articles promoted on the site do not focus on education, it could be argued that the dissemination of informative articles can be related to it.

It appears that the expert based his decision primarily on the lack of commercial intent in the use of the disputed domain name.

However, the expert noted that if the content of the website were to change in order to infringe the complainant’ rights, then the complainant would be free to pursue legal action.


WIPO, Arbitration and Mediation Center, Case No. D2021-2417, October 28, 2021, Paristech Foundation v. Domain Administrator d/b/a privacy.cloudns.net


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Is it possible to invoke a trademark that is not protected in the defendant’s country?

The trademark invoked by the applicant does not necessarily have to be protected in the country of the respondent

WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center ADMINISTRATIVE PANEL DECISIONVente-privee.com v. 郑碧莲 (Zheng Bi Lian)Case No. DCN2021-0004

In order for a UDRP complaint to succeed, it is necessary to prove a trademark right similar or identical to the domain name, generating a risk of confusion. Then, it must be established that the respondent has no rights or legitimate interests, and finally, it must be shown that the respondent has registered and used the name in bad faith.




In order to establish this bad faith, it is essential to show that the respondent has prior knowledge of the applicant’s rights and that the disputed registration is aimed at these rights. Being the owner of a trademark protected in the country where the defendant is established is therefore a considerable asset. However, it is not a requirement.
Vente-privee.com is a French e-commerce company that has been operating for 20 years in the organization of event-based sales of all kinds of products and services at reduced prices, including major trademarks.
At the beginning of 2019, Vente-privee.com began a process of unifying its trademarks under a single new name: VEEPEE. This rebranding was widely promoted internationally. It had previously secured trademark rights to the “VEEPEE” sign via a filing an EUTM in November 2017 and via an international trademark filed the same day covering Mexico, Monaco, Norway and Switzerland. Vente-privee.com also owns numerous domain names matching “VEEPEE” such as <veepee.es>, <veepee.it>, <veepee.de> and <veepee.com>.

Having detected the registration of the <veepee.cn> domain name reserved in 2018 by a China-based registrant, the company filed a complaint with the WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center seeking the transfer of the name.
The likelihood of confusion was easily admitted by the expert, who considered the domain name to be identical to the applicant’s earlier trademarks. On this occasion, he recalls that the trademark does not need to be registered in a specific country for the assessment of the likelihood of confusion.

This is in line with the assessment of WIPO’s Overview 3.0, which specifies in its section 1.1.2, quoted by the expert, that in view of the international nature of domain names and the Internet, the jurisdiction in which the trademark is protected is not relevant for the analysis of the first criterion. Bearing in mind, however, that this factor may be important for the examination of the other criteria.

the Panel notes that the Respondent has no business relationship with the Complainant and has not received any authorization from it to reserve the disputed domain name. As the Respondent did not respond to the Complaint, the Panel finds that Vente-privee.com has established that the Respondent has no rights or legitimate interests in the disputed domain name.

Finally, on the issue of bad faith, the expert insists on the arbitrary nature of the name VEEPEE: “VEEPEE is a made-up word with no particular meaning in Chinese or English”. He also highlights the fact that the domain name has not been actively used, but on the contrary refers to a website in English, accessible to all, on which it is for sale.

Therefore, the expert orders that the disputed domain name <veepee.cn> be transferred to the Complainant.

This decision is a reminder that it is important to choose the right trademarks to be used in a UDRP complaint. Ideally, it is necessary to prove a registration in the country of the registrant, if possible prior to the domain name. In the absence of a registration in the relevant jurisdiction, it is important to demonstrate that the trademark is used and known outside the boundaries of its registration.

In this instance, we note that the disputed domain name is indeed subsequent to the applicant’s trademarks, but prior to the Vente-privee.com rebranding operation by almost a year. This information might have required analysis had the Respondent responded to the Complaint. Information that could have been counterbalanced, however, with the registration date of the name <veepee.com> (the <.com> targeting the international), which is very old: December 6, 1999.



♦Domain names

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Reverse domain name hijacking

domain name administrative processReverse domain name hijacking constitutes an abuse of procedure. On this topic, the WIPO issued on April 4, 2021 a decision reminding Complainants of their failings: it was their duty to proceed to relevant checks before initiating the complaint and to build their case properly. The examiner was all the more severe given that Complainants were represented by counsel.

The complaint in question was filed by three applicants.



First Complainant is an Indian company notably specializing in the manufacture and sale of sanitary products and kitchen appliances. First Complainant was originally known as Hindustan Twyfords, but later changed its name to HSIL Ltd. in 2009. Second Complainant, Somany Home Innovation Limited, was incorporated in 2017. It manufactures and sells, among other goods, air and water purifiers, water heaters, air coolers. Like Second Complainant, Third Complainant, Brilloca Ltd, results from the split of First Complainant.

Having detected the registration of the domain names <hsil.com> registered on November 16, 1999 and <shil.com> on December 9, 1999, Complainants filed a complaint with the WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center to request the transfer of the domain names.



Respondent is a UK registered company, established on October 7, 1998, which provides web development services to help small businesses gain visibility on the Internet, initially focusing on the health club and leisure equipment market. In addition to the main site « health-club.net », Respondent has registered a number of short acronymic domain names.

First Complainant owns trademarks for the sign « HSIL », the first of which dates from 2004. Complainants further argue that Somany Home Innovation is widely known by the sign « SHIL », the acronym that corresponds to its corporate name.



First and foremost, the panelist notes that the applicants have not submitted any evidence showing the use of the sign « SHIL » to the point of making it a distinctive identifier for their benefit. Therefore, the latter considers that they are in default concerning the proof of likelihood of confusion between the <shil.com> domain name and an earlier trademark in which they potentially have rights. On the other hand, the likelihood of confusion was recognized for the name <hsil.com>.



Then, regarding the issue of legitimate interest and/or rights in the domain names, the panelist takes into account the fact that Respondent registered the disputed domain names in 1999, before the alleged filing and use of Complainants’ « HSIL » and « SHIL » marks. As opposed to Complainants, Respondent has provided evidence to support its claims that the names were used as acronyms for « Sports / Health in London » and « Health / Sports in London ».

Besides, the disputed domain names were registered in 1999, many years before the filing of the HSIL marks and the registration of domain names containing « HSIL ». In addition, the Complainants have no trademark rights for the sign « SHIL ».

Also, Respondent has demonstrated a use of the disputed domain names in connection to a bona fide offering of goods and services.


The complaint is therefore dismissed.

In addition, the panelist found that the complaint constituted reverse domain name hijacking, an attempt to obtain a domain name by artificially proving infringement.

Complainants, who are represented by counsel, should have anticipated the weakness of their argument and the fact that the acronyms « Hsil » and « Shil » could not refer exclusively to them, as alleged in the complaint without any evidence.

The panelist also notes that Complainants tried to make it look like trademarks were rejected in India because of the « well-known status and enormous goodwill » acquired by their earlier marks. This, despite the fact that the defendant has proven that third parties have been able to obtain registration of trademarks for the sign « SHIL » in India.


The panelist also targets Complainants’ representative and denounces an « unfamiliarity with the UDRP » and raises the fact that the latter has listed the registrar as respondent simply because it had allowed the registration of an available domain name, even though it is not in its power to decide whether or not to allow a registration.


Source: WIPO, Arbitration and Mediation Center, April 4, 2021, Case No. D2020-3416, HSIL Limited, Somany Home Innovation Limited v. SHIL Ltd, Brilloca Limited v. GOTW Hostmaster, Get on The Web Limited, India

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What are the suggested modifications to the UDRP?

UDRP principlesFollowing the UDRP ‘s new gTLD program, new Rights Protection Review Mechanisms (RPM) have been implemented to protect trademark holders, such as the Uniform Rapid Suspension System (URS) procedure.


ICANN has now decided to address changes suggested by trademark holders and intellectual property experts regarding the UDRP. For instance, one of these suggestions is that a domain name should be considered abusive if it is registered OR if it is used in bad faith, instead of requiring that both these conditions are met. The idea is to lighten the burden of proof on the rights owner to take into account a more up-to-date reality. Another suggestion is to provide for an accelerated procedure in case of abusive conduct and to get a decision more rapidly if the defendant fails to respond to the complaint.


It has also been proposed to provide for a presumption of bad faith if the registrant has lost three UDRP complaints and to require any repeat offender to pay a response fee to defend the case. The central issue at this stage of the study is to understand the extent to which the UDRP principles should be changed in favour of trademark owners, while knowingt hat it may weaken the UDRP principles.




Overview: The Rights Protection Mechanisms (RPM) Review https://newgtlds.icann.org/en/reviews/cct/rpm

Phase: 1 Initial Report of the Review of All Rights Protection Mechanisms in All gTLDs Policy Development Process :


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Domain name right : bona fide offer of goods or services

Rayonnage de vêtements de mode.  A right or legitimate interest in a domain name may be demonstrated by its use in the context of a bona fide offer of goods or services. This assessment requires to take into account how the domain name has been used, but also the space-time framework: When was the domain name registered? By whom? In which country?

Founded in 2003, Ba & sh is a French company operating in the field of design, manufacturing and distribution of women’s ready-to-wear clothing and fashion accessories.

Having detected the registration of the domain names <bashshitever.com> registered in 2014 and <bashclothing.co> in 2020, Ba & sh filed a complaint with the WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center in order to obtain the transfer of these domain names.

While the construction of the <bashshitever.com> domain name is somewhat intriguing, the fact that the <bashclothing.co> name contains the term “clothing” may have led Ba & sh to consider that its rights were being infringed.

In any event, since the domain names include the sign “BASH” except for the ampersand, the panellist acknowledges a likelihood of confusion.

Nevertheless, the panellist deems that Respondent has chosen these domain names independently of Complainant’s trademark and has used them in the context of a bona fide offer of its goods on the corresponding websites.

Indeed, Respondent is from Malaysia, where the company was founded in 2015, while Ba & sh has provided no evidence of actual use of its BA & SH mark in that territory. Khor Xin Yu, Respondent, explains that he co-founded “BASH CLOTHING” in 2013 when he was 18 years old and that the mark was also used in Singapore in 2017. Initially, the sign used was “Bash Shit Ever”, later changed in 2020 to “Bash Clothing” as part of a branding update.

Similarly, Respondent provided an explanation and documentation justifying the selection of the sign BASH because of the meaning of the dictionary term “bash”. Finally,  Respondent used a logo that differs from that of Complainant.

Complainant has not shown that  Respondent registered and used the disputed domain names in bad faith.

Indeed, when the first disputed domain name <bashshitever.com> was acquired by Respondent, Complainant had been operating in France and worldwide for about 11 years and had owned an international trademark for about 7 years, designating Malaysia. However, Complainant has not presented any evidence of actual use of its BA & SH trademark in Malaysia at the time of registration of the first disputed domain name.

In addition, a Google search for “bash” shows several results unrelated to Complainant or its trademark. Respondent has also provided a plausible explanation as to why he chose the term “bash”, an English dictionary term related to the idea of a party insofar as its initial target was female students.

Finally, although the parties operate in the same market segment (i.e. ready-to-wear and accessories), Respondent’s use of the disputed domain names does not show an intention to compete with Complainant and its trademark, given the different logos/layouts, the significantly lower prices at which the Respondent’s clothing is offered for sale, and the absence of any information on Respondent’s website that would lead users to believe that the website is operated by Complainant or any of its affiliated entities.

The complaint is, therefore, dismissed.

Ba & sh should have investigated Respondent’s motives before initiating a UDRP proceeding, including whether its trademark was known in Respondent’s country when the first domain name was registered. It should also have determined for how long  Respondent had been using the “Bash” sign for fashion activities. An investigation could have revealed these elements. Respondent explains that he first marketed the Bash clothing on social networks. And, depending on the answers to these two questions, write a proper letter to the defendant

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Why is claiming unregistered trademark rights over a geographical name a difficult challenge in UDRP proceedings?

UDRP ProceedingsWhile certain geographical names may, by exception, benefit from protection within the meaning of the UDRP rules, it should be remembered that they must be perceived as a trademark or service mark over which the applicant has rights. However, the mere use of a geographical name to identify certain goods and services as a territorial entity is not sufficient to demonstrate rights in a trademark or service mark within the meaning of the Guidelines, as the pannelist rightly pointed out in the present Decision.


In this case, the geographical name Solothurn (‘Soleure’ in French), corresponding to a city in Switzerland, was reproduced in its entirety in the domain name <solothurn.com>. It was registered in 1997 and has not been used since except to redirect to a “pay-per-click” page.

The applicants, the City of Solothurn and two associations under Swiss law promoting mainly tourism and unsurprisingly showing a strong interest in the domain name <solothurn.com>, claimed an unregistered trademark right on the sign “Solothurn”, which has been used extensively over the years. They also claimed protection of the name as “trademark-like” within the meaning of the Swiss law on unfair competition.

In this regard, they provided several documents attesting to the use of this geographical name by tourists since 1890 and its recognition as such. The applicants inferred that the use of the sign “Solothurn” constituted a trademark used to identify tourism and other related services. They also cited several decisions of the centre concerning geographical names, which are far from having argued in their favour.

The defendant, domiciled in the United States and known for his activities related to domains specializing in “geographical” domain names, had put the domain name <solothurn.com> up for sale. The defendant cited numerous decisions on how geographical names should be assessed (including a decision about the name <rouen.com>) and on the need to fulfill the function of a trade-mark.

Faced with this case and the question of whether the applicants could validly claim an unregistered trademark right in the name “Solothurn”, the panellists carried out a meticulous examination of the case law of the decisions of the WIPO panellists (overview) in the field of geographical names.

In particular, they recalled that according to the overview, “geographical terms used only in their ordinary geographical sense, except when registered as trademarks, do not, as such, provide standing to act in UDRP proceedings“. They also noted that in UDRP matters, it has generally been difficult for affiliates or entities responsible for a geographical territory to demonstrate trademark rights over that geographical name. However, the panellists noted that the decisions cited by the applicants all acknowledged that the geographical name was used in a purely descriptive way of a geographical location and not as a trademark.

On the other hand, they took note of the fact that some panellists have indicated that an unregistered trademark right in a geographical name may be granted to an official authority in exceptional circumstances. The circumstances in question cover the increasingly rare assumption that the geographical name would be used in connection with products and services but without any connection to the geographical location to which it corresponds. The idea is that the trade name should not generate an association with a geographical location in the minds of consumers, but rather an association with products and services, as the main function of the brand requires. For example, we can mention the products of the Ushuaïa brand, unrelated to Tierra del Fuego.

In the present case, the panellists noted that the applicants had not provided any proof of use of the name “Solothurn” in connection with products and services beyond those provided by the City of Switzerland. On the contrary, the applicants merely pointed out the use of the name “Solothurn” in connection with the name of the city of Switzerland and the tourist activities offered there. Consequently, the panellists could not validly conclude that the applicants had established that they had rights in the unregistered Solothurn trademark.

The panelist added that the applicants could not rely on the protection of this name as “trademark-like” within the meaning of the Swiss law on unfair competition insofar as Article 4.a. (i) of the Guidelines expressly refers to the “trade or service mark“.

Finally, the complaint was rejected as the applicants had not provided proof of trademark rights. However, this decision seems to be qualified by the panellists, who point out that it is a decision rendered under the UDRP principles, adapted to disputes between registrants and trademark owners whereas the solution could have been different under Swiss law and in matters of unfair competition.


The “morality” of this decision is not new; the UDRP procedure is not suitable for all disputes involving domain names and should not be systematically preferred to legal proceedings, even if it does have the advantage of being faster and less costly.

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Bringing a lawsuit does not necessarily preclude the UDRP procedure.

Usually, when a legal action is brought in the margins of the UDRP proceeding, the experts refrain from any decision on the merits and invite the Parties to settle their dispute before the court. However, whether or not to make a decision on the merits is left to the discretion of the expert.


Here, the dispute is between Associated Newspapers Limited from the United Kingdom on the one hand, and a natural person from Pakistan, Mr Makhdoom Babar, on the other. Associated Newspapers, the applicant, publishes the Daily Mail and The Mail newspapers. The Applicant claims that in November 2019, each issue of the Daily Mail sold more than one million copies.


The Respondent, Mr. Babar reserved the domain name <dailymailpk.com> on February 22, 2019.


The latter has repeatedly requested an extension of the time limit to file a response to the complaint, referring to the Covid-19pandemic as a justification for this request. Finally, the Respondent did not file a submission on the merits but indicated that it had filed a lawsuit in Pakistan to block the UDRP proceeding. He provided a document mentioning the complaint and indicated that the next hearing would take place on May 22, 2020.

The expert points out that they has the power to either stop the UDRP proceeding or not, when there exists a legal action in relation to the domain name at stake. The expert mentioned that many Panels in this situation refuse to suspend or terminate the procedure to avoid an indefinite delay in the decision. Especially when the legal action was introduced after the UDRP procedure, with the aim of disturbing it.

Following these preliminary remarks, the expert notes that there is no guarantee that the legal action will resolve the domain name issue. In fact, there is nothing in the file to show that the defendants in the legal action have been served with it or that they have agreed to submit to the jurisdiction in question. Furthermore, the court has not taken any action following the alleged hearing on May 22, 2020.


In addition, the action has not been brought to court in Massachusetts, United States, where the Registry Office is located. Thus, the Registrar may not enforce the decision in Pakistan.

Therefore, the expert decides to rule on the complaint and orders the transfer of the domain name to the applicant. To do so, he takes several elements into account. Firstly, the Complainant and the Respondent have already crossed paths in the past, since the Complainant had filed a complaint against them, concerning the domain name <dailymailnews.com>.

Secondly, the site set up by the Respondent on the name <dailymailpk.com> bears strong resemblances to that of the Complainant, to the extent that it cannot be a matter of coincidence alone, but rather of a desire to attract Internet users to its site by suggesting an affiliation with that of the Complainant. Thirdly, no articles have been published on the site since February 24, 2020, the date when the applicant was notified of the complaint. Finally, the expert notes that, in view of the circumstances, the defendant could not have been unaware of the existence of the “DAILY MAIL” trademark, which enjoys a great reputation.



Thus, the legal action does not per se obstruct the UDRP procedure. Nevertheless, it should be noted that in this case the defendant was a proven cybersquatter, at the origin of the legal action, initiated after the filing of the UDRP Complaint and in order to obstruct this procedure. Experts tend to react differently when the legal action precedes the UDRP action and especially when the dispute is between former trading partners. It is therefore necessary to remain vigilant before opting for the UDRP course of action.

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