Online Brand Enforcement

Today, more than ever, businesses face the crucial challenge of maintaining a strong presence on social media while protecting against potential intellectual property infringements.

Given these growing threats, it is imperative to strengthen online brand protection to preserve their integrity and value.

Need advice or support?Schedule a consultation with an expert.

This is why Dreyfus, in collaboration with its network of specialized industrial property lawyers, has developed IPweb, an innovative tool that allows us to monitor and detect any threats such as identical or similar IP filings to yours. IPweb ensures effective surveillance of your intellectual property assets (trademarks, domain names) across all social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn, as well as advertising platforms like Google Adwords.

Surveillance is, unequivocally, a powerful tool that Dreyfus uses for optimal and lasting protection of your brands. In other words, we detect potential infringements, then analyze the litigious situation to determine the most appropriate strategy to implement. Indeed, a successful trademark registration does not mean that the said trademark will not be subject to future infringements.

Our team assists you at every stage of establishing, protecting, and defending your online presence, whether through a mobile app, a website, or any other activity on social media.

Thanks to our innovative solution Dreyfus IPweb®, your brands are continuously monitored, and you will be quickly alerted in case of infringement.

Our Trademark Services

Our team, in collaboration with its network of specialized industrial property lawyers and intellectual property experts, helps you in evaluating the similarity of signs and products/services, the chances of success, and the measures to take to protect your trademarks. It is important to act as quickly as possible and contact the filing third party at an early stage, by sending cease and desist letters or even filing an opposition against the contested trademark application to ensure that the said applicant uses an alternative name.

Our Domain Name Services

At Dreyfus, we are committed to a methodical and organized approach to monitoring our clients’ domain names, ensuring optimal and proactive protection of their digital interests:

  • Priority Search: Comprehensive analysis of available extensions (gTLDs, ccTLDs, new gTLDs, and blockchain extensions like .eth, .crypto, .dcl).
  • Proactive Interventions: Issuing takedown notices to platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.
  • Transaction Management: Handling acquisition, sale, and transfer procedures for domain names through UDRP and URS mechanisms.
  • Cease and Desist Letters: Drafting and sending cease and desist letters to third parties registering domain names or acting as technical service providers for top-level and blockchain domains.
  • Governance Policy:
    • Analysis of commercial policy and brand ranking.
    • Evaluation of coherence between brands and domain names.
    • Identification and securing of strategic names.
    • Development of a registration and defense strategy, incorporating an optimal cybersecurity strategy.
  • Secure Management Platform: Use of a highly secure domain name management platform for continuous monitoring and protection.
  • Monitoring and Protection: Monitoring trademarks among domain names with an advanced alert system.
  • Blocking and Deactivation: Domain name blocking by the registrar, registrant account deactivation, mail server deactivation.
  • Dispute Resolution: Handling alternative dispute resolution (ADR) actions such as URS and UDRP, and initiating legal actions if necessary.

Our Fight Against Cybersquatting

The Uniform Domain-Name Dispute-Resolution Policy (UDRP) principles were established by ICANN in 1999 to resolve disputes between a domain name holder and a third party concerning the abusive registration and use of domain names.

💡At Dreyfus, we guarantee optimal protection and defense of your intellectual property assets!

Extrajudicial UDRP procedures offer several advantages. They are generally less expensive than judicial proceedings, which are more costly and less predictable. Additionally, decisions within extrajudicial procedures are typically quick, and it is possible to initiate a procedure for an almost unlimited number of domain names.

Choosing an arbitration center for UDRP complaints is delicate and requires case-by-case consideration based on the dispute environment. This choice should be made considering the complexity of the case and what our clients hope to achieve in return.

Dreyfus, in collaboration with its network of specialized industrial property lawyers and intellectual property experts, can assist you in any UDRP procedure, local or global, and help you build the best strategy to protect your rights and manage your domain name portfolio.

Protect Your Brand Identity on the Internet with Our Online Brand Protection Expertise

Dreyfus offers its internationally renowned expertise to clients:

  • Trademark monitoring and tracking

    We offer continuous monitoring to detect any unauthorized use of your trademarks online, including e-commerce platforms and social media.

  • Online litigation management

    We represent clients in disputes related to unauthorized use of trademarks online, including infringement actions and opposition procedures.

  • Online protection strategy

    We develop customized strategies to protect your trademarks against online violations and ensure their security on the internet.

  • Compliance and regulatory advice

    Our experts advise on compliance with international regulations regarding online trademark protection.

  • Domain name monitoring and surveillance

    We conduct continuous monitoring to detect and act against cybersquatting and other domain name abuses.

  • Training and awareness

    We offer training programs to educate your teams on best practices for online brand protection.

FAQ on Defending Your Online Presence

Why is it important to protect a brand online?

Online protection prevents abuse, avoids financial losses, and maintains your brand’s reputation.

What should I do in case of online trademark infringement?

It is crucial to respond quickly. Our experts can represent you and take legal action to defend your rights.

How can I monitor the use of my brand online?

We offer monitoring and tracking services to detect any unauthorized use of your brand on the internet.

What are the benefits of online brand protection training?

Training raises awareness among your teams about online threats and teaches best practices for effectively protecting your brands.

How do you conduct domain name monitoring?

We continuously monitor to detect domain name abuses and act quickly to protect your brand.

Do you offer online litigation management services?

Yes, we represent clients in disputes related to unauthorized use of trademarks online and ensure their defense.