Privacy policy

Dreyfus is concerned about protecting your privacy and the Personal Data (“Data”; “Personal Data”) it collects and processes for you.

Hence, Dreyfus complies every day with the European Union legislation regarding Data protection and particularly the European General Data Protection Regulation Number 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 (GDPR).

This Privacy Policy is aimed at informing you clearly and comprehensively about how Dreyfus, as Data Controller, collects and uses your Personal Data. In addition, the purpose of this Policy is to inform you about the means at your disposal to control this use and exercise your rights related to the said processing, collection and use of your Personal Data.

This Privacy Policy describes how Dreyfus collects and processes your Personal Data. The collection happens when you visit our Website, when you exchange with Dreyfus by e-mail or post, when exercising our Intellectual Property Attorney and representative roles, when we interact with our clients and fellow practitioners, or on any other occasion when you provide your Personal Data to Dreyfus, in particular when you register for our professional events.

Our Privacy Policy covers :

  1. Data Controller
  2. Purpose of processing your Personal Data
  3. Data collected
  4. Storage period of your Personal Data
  5. Sharing of your Personal Data
  6. Data transfer
  7. Security and integrity of you Personal Data
  8. Your rights
  9. Contact

1. Data Controller

The Data collected is processed by Dreyfus, a limited liability company with a capital of 388 400 euros registered in the Paris Trade and Companies Register under the number 453 207 383 with an intra-community VAT number FR30 453 207 383, whose registered office is located at 78, Avenue Raymond Poincaré, 75116 Paris, France.

Tel.: +33 (0) 1 44 70 07 04

Fax: +33 (0) 40 06 99 64

E-mail address :

Dreyfus is represented by Mrs Nathalie DREYFUS, acting in her capacity as managing partner. 

2. Purposes of the processings

Dreyfus collects your Personal Data to provide you with tailor-made services, to improve its Services and facilitate communication via the Internet, to improve your navigation on its Website and to send you newsletters or any other information.

Dreyfus collects your Data in the circumstances allowed by the applicable law and for the following purposes:

  • When the objective is to execute any agreement you enter into with Dreyfus;
  • To answer any question or communication you may have by e-mail;
  • To improve our Digital Services;
  • To send you our newsletter or invitations to attend our seminars or other professional events organised by Dreyfus;
  • To understand how you use our Website;
  • When you send your application to respond to a job offer or for a spontaneous application;
  • To comply with the legal and regulatory obligations of Dreyfus.

Dreyfus ensures that your Data is processed in compliance with the applicable legislation and in particular in compliance with the conditions laid out in Article 6 of the GDPR, namely:

  • The collection of your consent to the processing of your Personal Data for one or more specific purposes;
  • The necessity of processing your Personal Data for the performance of an agreement to which you are a party, or for the performance of pre-contractual measures taken at your request;
  • The necessity of the processing to comply with a legal obligation to which Dreyfus is committed;
  • The necessity of the processing for the protection of your vital interests or those of any other natural person;
  • The processing is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or the exercise of official authority vested in Dreyfus;
  • The necessity of the processing for the legitimate interests pursued by Dreyfus or by a third party, unless your interests or your fundamental rights and freedoms, which require the protection of your Personal Data, prevail.

Dreyfus processes your Personal Data to comply with the legal requirements to which it is subject. These legal obligations are defined in national and/or international law and in internal regulations issued by the relevant internal supervisory authorities (the Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés in France), and may include record keeping, compliance auditing or the auditing and recording of tax, social or security obligations.

3. Data collected

Dreyfus takes care to collect only Data that is strictly necessary for the purpose for which it is processed.

The Data collected is that which you provide directly to us. Depending on the context of our exchanges, the categories of Personal Data collected include:

  • A unique identifier that we use to identify you distinctively. It includes, for instance, a name, telephone number, postal address or e-mail address, and a signature. If you have customer access to our IPweb database, we may also collect your user ID and password;
  • Demographic information, which may include sensitive Personal Data such as your age, gender, marital status;
  • Professional and educational information relating to your employment statuses, such as your current or previous employers, your current position, or other information about the company with which you have ties. You may also provide Dreyfus with details about your professional qualifications or academic background, such as your diplomas, your level of education, the institutions in which you have studied, the languages you speak;
  • Your geographical Data as the city where you live, the country where you live ;
  • Audio and visual information such as photographs, audio recordings if you actively participate in professional events organised by Dreyfus (e.g. Webinars) or if you leave a voice message on a voice mailbox;
  • User information when you comment or post material on our social media pages, blogs, or any other forum on our digital services;
  • Any other information you freely choose to provide to us;
  • Data that we collect automatically (Data relating to your activity).

4. Storage period of your Personal Data

The Data is kept for as long as is necessary to achieve the purposes described above and in compliance with the legislation in force:

  • Three (3) years from the last incoming contact on your part if you are not otherwise listed as a customer contact;
  • In case of subscription to a newsletter during the subscription period;
  • If you are a contact for a client of the firm, for the duration of the relationship plus 3 years.
  • For a period of 13 months for cookies (see our Cookie Policy).

5. Sharing of your Personal Data

The Data collected are only intended for Dreyfus.

Dreyfus only shares your Personal Data with authorised, determined, authenticated and reliable recipients for the purposes described above. These recipients only have access to the necessary Data for their functions and have an obligation of strict confidentiality in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation n°2016/679 of 27 April 2016.

So far, the service providers identified are:

  • The webmaster of the Site
  • The host of the Site
  • Google Analytics (insofar as you have accepted access when requesting consent to cookies)
  • RoundCube / eM client

Please note that third parties using your Personal Data will only have limited access to such information, allowing them to perform their services. In addition, they are obliged to use such information under the provisions of the Regulations in force.

If Dreyfus is required or permitted by law to do so because of a Court order or any other legal request or requirement, it may disclose such Data to third parties.

6. Data transfer

Dreyfus cannot transfer your Personal Data to a non-EU State without guaranteeing that it is carried out under conditions ensuring the confidentiality and security of the Data also an adequate level of protection, following the regulations in force.

If the Personal Data collected are transferred to companies registered in the United States or in any other country which does not ensure an adequate level of Data protection under European law, Dreyfus undertakes to conclude agreements with the relevant recipients to guarantee effective protection of the Data transferred. In particular, Standard Contractual Clauses approved by the European Commission may apply in compliance with the applicable Regulation.

7. Security and integrity of your Personal Data

Dreyfus attaches the utmost importance to the security and integrity of your Personal Data.

Thus, following Regulation 2016/679, Dreyfus takes all the necessary precautions to preserve the Data security and protect it against unexpected or unlawful destruction, accidental loss, alteration, dissemination or unauthorized access, as well as against any other form of illegal processing or communication to unauthorized persons.

To this end, Dreyfus implements standard security measures to protect Personal Data from unauthorized disclosure.

In addition, to avoid unauthorized access, to ensure the accuracy and proper use of Data, the firm has implemented appropriate technical and organizational measures to guarantee the security and integrity of the Data collected through its services.

Moreover, in the case of a security breach, Dreyfus shall inform you as soon as possible and will make all the efforts to take all possible measures to neutralize the intrusion and to minimize the risks. 

8. Your rights

In compliance with the French law n° 78-17, of January 6, 1978, called Loi Informatique et Libertés and Articles 15 to 22 of the European General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 (GDPR), you have:

  • The rights of access, rectification and deletion;
  • The rights to limit the processing of your Data;
  • A right to object to the processing of your Data;
  • A right to object to the use of your Data for commercial prospecting purposes.

You also have the right to file a complaint with the French Data Protection Authority (Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés) (you can find contact details at this address:, the supervisory authority in charge of compliance with obligations in terms of the protection of Personal Data.

If you have explicitly chosen to receive the Firm’s newsletter, you can easily unsubscribe using the unsubscribe links included in each email.

You may also withdraw your consent for processing based on your consent and refuse the storage of cookies (for more information, please see our Cookie Policy).

Should you have any queries regarding your rights, please contact us by email at: We may ask that your request be accompanied by a copy of your ID or parental authority if you are a minor.

9. Changes in our Privacy policy

Dreyfus can amend this Privacy Policy at any time to maintain its compliance with the legislation and regulations in force. You will be notified of these modifications via our Website or by e-mail when possible.

You are deemed to have accepted these modifications if you have not contested them within one (1) month. 

10. Contact us

If you have any questions relating to this Privacy policy and for any requests relating to your Personal Data, please contact us by sending an email to


Updated: April 23, 2021.