Milena Dreyfus

team Milena Dreyfus 1

IP/IT Lawyer

With a dual degree in English law (LLB) and French law from King’s College London and the University of Paris II Panthéon-Assas, Milena has received bi-judicial and bilingual training. She also holds a Master’s degree in Literary, Artistic, and Industrial Property from the University of Paris II Panthéon-Assas.

Milena now works across various sectors on a wide range of intellectual property issues, including trademarks, patents, designs, domain names, and copyrights.

Milena assists clients throughout the lifecycle of their intangible assets, from protection (prior art searches, filing for industrial property rights, handling administrative procedures) and valuation (management of industrial property rights portfolios, coexistence agreements, assignment and license agreements, audits, partnerships) to defense (anti-counterfeiting, judicial, administrative, and customs litigation).

Milena also has expertise in contract law, new technologies such as artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, NFTs, Web 3.0, personal data, and domain names.



  • French

  • English

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