NFT law

The legal framework for NFTs in France currently has significant gaps. To clarify their use and management, it’s essential to legally define NFTs and specify how they fit into intellectual property law. 

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What is the legal nature of NFTs?

NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) are unique digital tokens with metadata, operating on a blockchain. These digital units, thanks to their non-interchangeable nature, are often linked to intangible objects, using the blockchain to ensure their authenticity and traceability. Additionally, an NFT can be associated with a physical object to secure its trace and integrity. 

Each NFT is unique and comes with a certificate of authenticity via the blockchain, securely linking a digital or physical work. Unlike cryptocurrencies, NFTs do not serve as currency but as proof of ownership or authenticity.

NFT transactions are transparent: all transactions are verifiable on specialized platforms like Decentraland, Cryptovoxels, The Sandbox, and OVR. This transparency and the ability to verify transactions make NFTs highly attractive, reinforced by their uniqueness and rarity—qualities previously attributed primarily to physical goods.

In terms of security, NFTs offer robust guarantees. They are stored in secure blockchain databases, with each transaction verified by network nodes. Although they cannot be destroyed, NFTs can be transferred or sold on platforms like Metamask, ensuring their circulation while preserving their inviolability. supports project holders by advising on NFT law collaborates with a vast network of law firms specializing in NFT law to support various clients, from companies of all sizes to entrepreneurs, digital artists, musicians, gallery owners, auction houses, video game developers, and platforms/marketplaces.

NFTs encompass many areas, from artistic and collectible works to sticker collections, sports, music, and even multimedia content like memes. They also have utility roles, such as tickets for exclusive events or as traceability tools. offers specialized legal services to help creators and intellectual property rights holders navigate the complex world of NFTs, from conception to protection and defense of their projects. Additionally, our department dedicated to brand protection in Web 3.0 helps companies establish robust protection strategies in the metaverse.

Protect and enhance your digital assets with our NFT law expertise

Dreyfus brings its internationally renowned expertise to serve its clients

  • Advice on NFT creation and protection

    We assist in creating, registering, and legally protecting your NFTs to ensure optimal security for your digital assets.

  • NFT portfolio management

    We offer portfolio management services, including transaction tracking and strategy development to maximize your NFTs' value.

  • NFT rights litigation

    We represent clients in NFT-related disputes, including infringement actions and opposition proceedings.

  • Protection and defense strategy

    We develop tailored strategies to protect your NFTs from unauthorized copying and use.

  • Compliance and innovation advice

    Our experts advise on regulatory compliance and best practices for safely innovating in the NFT space.

  • Monitoring and surveillance

    We provide continuous monitoring to detect any infringement on your NFT rights and take swift action to enforce them.


Why is it important to protect an NFT?

Legal protection helps prevent copying and unauthorized use, giving you exclusive rights to your digital asset.

What are the benefits of managing an NFT portfolio?

Effective management maximizes your assets’ value, tracks transactions, and develops exploitation strategies.

What to do in case of NFT infringement?

It’s crucial to act quickly. Our experts can represent you and take legal action to defend your rights.

How can you help me protect my NFTs internationally?

We assist in registering and protecting your NFTs in multiple jurisdictions worldwide, ensuring comprehensive monitoring.

What is NFT rights monitoring?

Monitoring involves tracking the market and transactions to detect unauthorized use of your NFTs and take action accordingly.

Do you offer advice for innovating in compliance with regulations?

Yes, we provide guidance on practices and regulations to follow for safe innovation while protecting your digital assets.